Your Christmas cards are valuable to The Woodland Trust, who will receive recycling credits for the weight of donated cards and use the money to plant more trees. Many people think that planting trees is one of the best ways to reduce carbon dioxide and prevent flooding and soil erosion
Of course, you will recycle your envelopes, but you can also save the stamps and send them to the R.S.P.B., who sell them to raise funds for the Save the Albatross campaign. The address is on on their website, but here it is, if you're short of time!
P.O. Box 6198, Leighton Buzzard,
Beds. LU7 9XT
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I'm dreaming of a GREEN Christmas.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Money Well Spent
It will be a super space for the younger children to do outdoor activities, and the only sheltered place for parents to gather at the beginning and end of school.
The school owes a great deal to all the companies that support our cartridge recycling program and all the people who use our community recycling centre. I don't know the total cost of our new structure yet, but it will be around £9,000. Thank you all very much. You have improved the "school experience" for pupils and parents in one go. Excellent!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Energy Saving Week

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
We're going to spend some money!

Parents of the younger children will be sheltered from bad weather when they bring and collect their offspring and there will be plenty of room for prams and pushchairs!
The children will use the area as an extension to the class, as recommended by a recent Ofsted Inspector.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Who's Crazy?
I was happy as I slung the bottles into the banks, to think that, not only was I helping school and the environment, but I was probably keeping fit as well!
Another load arrived yesterday, tucked neatly away behind the paper and bottle banks. I flexed my muscles in readiness for the task ahead.
Evidently this is the last load. The bottles have been classified as commercial waste and in future, will be collected from the pub (bins provided,at a cost), by a well known waste and recycling company. The glass will end up in the local landfill site.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Schools plastic bag videos
The children at Lyme Regis's St Michael's Primary School made an anti-plastic bag video.
Reason for optimism?
Plastic bags could soon become a thing of the past in Suffolk as councils and businesses work together to eliminate their use.But is there cause for celebration yet?
The same report goes on...
Aldeburgh - No official campaign to reduce plastic bag usage.Maybe they could try harder?
Bury St Edmunds - “We are trying to encourage people to use plastic bags less but we recognise sometimes you just need one.”
Eye - The town council has not yet formally discussed the issue.
Felixstowe - “We are currently looking into schemes before the next town council meeting.”
Hadleigh - No measures currently in place by the town council.
Leiston - Self-regulation is working well.
Southwold - No policy on plastic bags is currently in place.
Sudbury - “... it is really down to the individual to economise and reuse bags.”
For more on plastic bags, see the Abolish Plastic Bags website.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
End of Term
"Young people stand to gain most from the action we take today, on climate change. That's why schools should be included in the shift to a low carbon economy," Benn said in a statement. Britain has also earmarked 110 million pounds for installing renewable energy technology in more than 200 secondary schools undergoing refurbishment over the next three years.
Great news, but too late perhaps, for the Suffolk School that had to install air conditioning in their new building which houses their computer department, when south facing windows made working conditions intolerable!
Meanwhile, the materials that are brought to our recycling centre continue to be diverted away from our local landfill sites and provide an extra income for school projects. We shall have two extra facilities soon. People will be able to leave unwanted books, which we shall try to sell.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just a drop in the Ocean
Let's hope that the Government is serious about their proposed green revolution. Our World desperately needs URGENT ACTION.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Just for June
We need your help Ladies!
As part of Recycle Week (June 2nd – 9th), we need your help to “recycle one more thing”, and the Suffolk Waste Partnership are encouraging Bra Recycling!
As well as helping the environment (the bras are sent to West Africa where they are reused and recycled), the project will also raise money for Macmillan.
So, dig out all your unwanted, unflattering, and unfitting bras (and encourage your Mum, Sister, and female friends and colleagues to rummage too!) and bring them in.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Paws for Thought
What has this to do with recycling? Well, whilst perusing the many brands and colourfully packaged varieties of cat food, I realised that all landfill sites must be full of POUCHES. Convenient for people, but not good for the planet, as I think that they are made from plastic. Cat food in cans (steel) and trays (aluminium) can be recycled and are a better buy.
What could be a campaign slogan Pass over Pouches? ---ummmm --- not sure about that! Do you have any ideas?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Plastic Carrier Bags
Another option is to buy a long lasting, ethically produced bag. The people in the small Devonshire town of Modbury lead the way in tackling the problems of plastic waste.
There are lots of ethical shopping bags at the Ethical Superstore, including string bags.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Eco -Schools Celebrations

Now, our environment and climate change is an urgent, global issue, with gloomy forecasts about our plight on the news almost on a daily basis.
So I was delighted to hear that the staff and pupils at Elmsett have continued to work on green themes, and were rewarded for their efforts by receiving their second Eco-Schools GREEN FLAG at the end of last year. Great news. They have new targets to work on, in order to gain their third flag. If they go on beyond that, the fourth flag is permanent. I don't think many schools have achieved that.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Too little---Too late
Perhaps a glimpse at the article for Monday 3rd March on an American blog might persuade people that some sort of urgent action is needed to protect our children's future.
Click on the link "checklist toward zero carbon", for a comprehensive view on the state of our planet and what everyone can do about it.
But--don't bother if you're depressed!!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
National Energy Saving Day (E-Day)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Recycling Credits
Not many other schools would be able to do this, which is a shame, because the educational, enviromental and monetary benefits have proved to be well worth the effort of setting it up.
I've just been sent details of the recycling credits that we shall receive from Babergh District Council, for each tonne of glass, paper and textiles that is collected from our centre. (£30.86, £35.46 and £145.46 respectively). This usually amounts to about £1,000.00 a year.
At the moment, cartridge recycling is not as profitable as it used to be, however, with support from Takeback Ltd., this scheme still raises a lot of funds for our pupils.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Fitness and Fundraising
It will cost a lot of money and although there are grants that can be applied for, I expect that the recycling fund will be called upon to help. We raise about £1,000 each year from the material that is brought to our recycling centre on the end of the playground. The cartridge recycling supported by Takeback Ltd has always brought in much more.
So this year, we shall we shall be doubling our efforts to get people and companies to support our recycling efforts. Helping the environment and the health of our community!!!