I apologise for the slight pause with blogging over the winter, partly due to sorting out the recycling accounts and then getting used to a new laptop when my very old computer died.
Our recycling centre was opened 20 years ago! The drawings above are from that time and are self portraits drawn by some of the children that I taught. My weekly assemblies were always about caring for our environment (in its broadest sense, from waste to wonder) with the children went to secondary school quite a few of them were eco-warriors and still are, I hope!
We continue to collect paper, glass, textiles, drinks cartons, books and aluminium cans at our recycling centre in the fenced off area at the end of the school playground.
I pick up toner and inkjet cartridges from local companies and Takeback Ltd collects from other local and national companies on our behalf.
Spectacles are given to Vision Aid Overseas, via our local optician and aluminium foil is collected by members of the Sudbury Resource Centre.
Everyone can do their bit to help the environment and there's a wonderful new website hat can inspire you. Check it out