My gran would have been astonished by the amount of perfectly good food that the average British family throws away these days (it amounts to 7.2 million tonnes of food and drink a year). Some of it's because shoppers don't make lists and buy too much, some is because consumers don't understand what is or isn't safe to eat, and some of it is because people don't know what to make with it. All of this food waste isn't just a waste of your housekeeping money; it costs a lot of money to dispose of it - £12bn a year - that we pay for through our council taxes.
In this video, two Birmingham chefs show what they can do with some vegetables that fussy shoppers would reject. For more ideas, go to the Love Food, Hate Waste website. If you want to be really thrifty, look for the battered-looking produce that's going cheap at the end of any market day, and buy yourself some bargains to make cheap and easy meals.
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